Kamis, 13 Maret 2014


pasukan penjaga adalah yang terbesar dari Militer divisi yang melindungi dan menjaga ketertiban dekat dinding-dinding. Mengingat tingkat kematian dari pasukan pengintai dan terbatasnya masuknya brikade kepolisian militer, sebagian besar tentara bergabung dengan  pasukan penjaga . Karena mereka sering berdekatan dengan Titans dan warga sipil manusia, mereka mahir melalui berbagai tugas seperti bertempur dengan Titan (pertempuran bertahan),pasukan pengamanan, pengendalian massa, dan penggunaan senapan


pasukan penjaga  mengurus semua pertahanan untuk Tembok apakah itu patroli, perbaikan, atau perbaikan. Dengan demikian mereka menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu mereka mempersiapkan serangan terhadap Tembok. pasukan penjaga memasang meriam di dinding yang sering digunakan dalam jangka panjang untuk mempertahankan tembok dari Titin. Mereka juga harus evakuasi warga sipil dan memiliki rencana cadangan untuk menangani situasi ketika Tembok di tembus.

Tugas : Menjaga dan Memelihara Tembok
Komandan  : Dot Pixis (bagian Selatan)

Pasukan pengintai adalah kekuatan pendorong dari plot dan cerita karena merupakan cabang dari militer yang paling aktif terlibat dalam pertempuran dengan Titan dan pengembangan manusia. Meskipun memiliki sedikit atau tidak ada keberhasilan, mereka masih melambangkan 'harapan umat manusia', lencana mereka yang dikenal sebagai 'Wings of Freedom'(sayap kebebasan), mereka berharap bahwa suatu hari nanti, upaya mereka akan mengubah dunia yang dikenal untuk kemanusiaan yang lebih baik, dan memulihkan apa yang telah hilang.


Divisi ini militer yang bertanggung jawab atas eksplorasi dan reklamasi akhirnya wilayah manusia dari tanah yang penuh Titan.Sebelum Dinding Maria ditembus , mereka mengeksplorasi lahan di luar Tembok, meskipun tidak pernah mendapatkan apapun, sejauh ini yang didapatkan hanya korban jiwa diakibatkan oleh Titans.

Saat ini, mereka telah meletakkan pasokan dari Tembok Rose Kabupaten Trost ke Wall Maria Kabupaten Shiganshina dalam persiapan untuk menutup penerobosan yang dilakukan oleh titan dan merebut kembali Tembok Maria.

Sebuah tugas resmi yang lebih baru telah observasi Titan dan penelitian. Mengingat sifat aman mengeksplorasi di wilayah Dinding (karena Titans hanya dapat memasukkan Dinding pada satu titik), banyak informasi telah terungkap seperti daya tahan titan merasakan sakit, ketergantungan titan pada sinar matahari, dan tingkat kecerdasan titan

Tugas : Pengembangan manusia, Penelitian titan
Komandan : Erwin Smith


Brikade Kepoliasian Militer adalah yang paling bergengsi karena pekerjaan mereka memungkinkan mereka untuk hidup aman dalam Dinding Dalam, sumber daya yang melimpah, dan otoritas yang lebih tinggi atas sektor militer lainnya. Namun, dalam kenyataannya itu adalah sektor militer yang paling rusak karena kurangnya pengawasan dibandingkan dengan sektor-sektor lain dari militer . Karena penyalahgunaan wewenang mereka, Brigade Polisi Militer juga bertentangan dengan Pasukan Penjaga dan terutama dengan Pasukan Pengintai. Hanya sepuluh alumni dari regu peserta pelatihan dapat mengajukan permohonan untuk Brigade kepolisian Militer. Namun, menurut percakapan antara Hitch dan Boris, ada yang cara lain (terlarang) cara untuk masuk di sektor ini seperti bersahabat, pilih kasih, dll


Militer Brigade Polisi adalah kepolisian dalam wilayah manusia. Mereka tidak hanya menjaga ketertiban, mereka melayani sebagai penjaga raja. Karena mereka tidak biasanya bertemu dengan Titans, mereka harus memiliki izin khusus untuk menggunakan peralatan 3D dan biasanya membawa senjata api sebagai gantinya. Mereka juga bertanggung jawab atas pengumpulan pajak dan distribusi tanah seperti yang terlihat di Chapter 15 ketika beberapa polisi memantau produksi pertanian.

Dalam Episode 25, Dindialam Episode 25, Dng ,Dari menjaga Pasukan pengintai tugas mereka berubah karena kehancuran massal yang disebabkan oleh Eren dan Annie. mereka diperintahkan oleh Nil Dawk untuk mengevakuasi semua warga sipil dan membawa Komandan Erwin untuk dijatuhi hukuman karena rencananya menangkap Wanita Type Titan. Namun tugas tersebut disalahgunakan oleh pejabat  BRIKADE KEPOLISIAN MILITER

Military Police Brigade

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Brigade Logo
Military Police Brigade
Commander Nile Dok
Occupation Personal Guard of the King, Police Within Wall Territory
Notable Members Annie Leonhart, Hitch, Marlowe Freudenberg
Affiliation Humanity, Survey Corps, Garrison

The Military Police Brigade (憲兵団 Kenpeidan?) is the most prestigious due to their work allowing them to live safely within the Inner Wall, abundant resources, and higher authority over other military sectors. However, in reality it is the most corrupted military sector due to a lack of oversight compared to the other sectors of the military. Due to their misuse and abuse of authority, the Military Police Brigade is also at odds with Garrison and especially with the Survey Corps. Only the top ten alumni from trainee squads can apply for the Military Police Brigade. However, according to the conversation between Hitch and Boris, there are other (illicit) ways to get in the sector such as fraternization, favoritism, etc.


The Military Police Brigade is the primary police force within human territory. Not only do they maintain order, they serve as the king's guard. Since they do not normally come in contact with Titans, they must have special permission to use 3D gear and usually carry firearms such as rifles instead. They are also in charge of tax collection and land distribution as seen in Ch. 15 when a couple of policemen monitored farm production. They usually abuse these duties to exploit resources and food from civilians.
In Episode 25, Wall, their assigned duty was changed due to the mass destruction caused by Eren and Annie. From guarding the Recon Corps, they were ordered by Nile Dok to evacuate all civilians and bringing Commander Erwin on the trial to set punishment for his plan to capture the Female Titan.
However these duties were abused by the Military Police Brigade officials, as it is in their nature.


The Military Police Brigade is an organization with 2,000 members, with direct command over 3,000 additional personnel from the Garrison. This brings their total potential manpower to 5,000 soldiers. Their forces are divided between the major Districts, with 200 officers assigned per District.
The Central Branch operates completely separate from the main group, with their own command structure and duties. Little is known about them, with even Nile Dok admitting to knowing little about them. They are involved in numerous conspiracies, and stated to be completely above the law. They are rarely seen outside the Capitol.


The Military Police Brigade is supposed to be an elite unit made of the most skilled soldiers due to its rigorous standards. The reality though, is a lazy, corrupt system that benefits from the powers granted to it. Though they are top ten graduates from the trainee squads; they are inexperienced since they only stay in the safety of Wall Sina and never engaged in battle with the Titans before.
The senior officers spend all their time gambling and drinking while leaving recruits to do all the work. They also pilfer taxes and misappropriate land as a recruit, Marlowe Freudenberg, mentions in Ch. 31. This corruption is well-known with many people (even to Wall Sina citizens) criticizing their lack of care for anyone other than themselves. Refugees and forced laborers (called producers) hold simmering hostility against them.
However, many trainees still dream of joining the Military Police Brigade because it will allow them to live within Wall Sina and safety. Also, being so close to the center of human territory, most policemen have relatively little experience fighting Titans as compared to the Survey Corps or the Stationary Guard. This, together with corruption, loose discipline, contempt from public, abuse of power makes this military branch the most incompetent out of the three.
However, by Ch.45, it's revealed that the King becomes tougher on the Military Police for their lack of diligence in dealing with their corruption, lack of discipline, pilfering of taxes and mismanagement of lands. He orders them to leave the safety of Wall Sina and assist both the Survey Corps and the Stationary Guards to look for the two other traitors in collaboration with Annie. By the end all three factions have banded together to help rescue Eren and Ymir from Reiner and Bertolt
In chapter 47 of the manga, all their shortcomings and negligence of trainings are brought to light; most personnel from Military police are all too easily slaughtered by Titans even before the rescue operation began in earnest. In episode 24 of the anime, when a Female Titan suddenly appeared in Wall Sina and went on a rampage that caused Wall Sina's terrified citizens to flee chaotically in all directions most (if not all) of military police personnel, afraid and completely at a loss of what to do, just stood transfixed and did nothing to alleviate the problem.
The Central Branch is introduced in the aftermath of the traitors' being exposed, torturing and murdering Pastor Nick. Their organization is shrouded in mystery, and they actively seek out both Historia Reiss and Eren Yeager for unknown purposes. With the Titan Shifters uncovered and driven out, this mysterious group appears to be the new antagonists of the series.

Survey Corps

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Survey Corps Logo
Survey Corps
Commander Keith Shadis (former), Erwin Smith
Occupation Human Expansion, Titan Research
Notable Members Erwin Smith, Levi, Hange Zoë, Eren Yeager, Armin Arlert, Mikasa Ackerman, Mike Zacharius
Affiliation Humanity, 104th Trainees Squad, Garrison, Military Police Brigade
The Survey Corps (調査兵団 Chōsa Heidan?), also known as the Scouting Legion, Scout Regiment, or Recon Corps, is the driving force of the plot and story as it is the branch of the Military most actively involved in Titan combat and human expansion. Despite having little success, they still symbolize 'the hope of mankind', their insignia being known as 'the Wings of Freedom'; they hope that someday, their efforts will change the world known for humanity's better, and recover what had been lost.


Recon expedition
A Survey Corps expedition.
This military division is in charge of the exploration and the eventual reclamation of human territory from Titan-infested lands. Prior to the breach of Wall Maria, they explored the land outside of the Wall, though never getting that far due to the heavy casualties suffered by Titans. Presently, they have been laying down supplies from the Wall Rose Trost District to Wall Maria Shiganshina District in preparation to seal the breach and reclaim Wall Maria.
A more recent unofficial duty has been Titan observation and research. Given the safer nature of exploring within Wall territory (since Titans can only enter Wall at one point), a wealth of information has been revealed such as their tolerance of pain, sunlight dependence, and intelligence.


The Survey Corps are the smallest branch of the military, with a maximum size of 300 soldiers. This already limited number is further lowered by constant losses on expeditions.
Erwin Smith is the 13th Commander, with 4 Squad Leaders (including Levi, Hanji, and Mike) serving directly beneath him. A single Senior Team Leader serves beneath them, supervising 8 Team Leaders in the field. The Legion also has 6 specialized Medical Officers, Veterinary Officers in charge of caring for their horses, and 5 Remuneration Officers that serve concurrently with Team Leaders. This structure leaves 270 regular soldiers, divided into 10 Teams.
Their stables also include a total of 600 specially-bred horses. These horses are noted to be exceptionally valuable, and bred for great speed, stamina, and calm temperament.


Since the Survey Corps are constantly on the front lines, fighting Titans, its high fatality and low success rate discourages most people from enrolling into the legion, as seen when less than 10% of the 104th Training Squad joins them. Thus, the Legion suffers a constant personnel shortage and the only soldiers who enter the Survey Corps are dedicated to the cause of humanity, usually at the cost of their own lives. In stark contrast to the Military Police, there is no laziness or incompetence in the Survey Corps, and no corruption. Whether at their headquarters or in battle, members of the Survey Corps have no one to depend on but each other. This has built a strong atmosphere of trust in the Survey Corps, and a general no-nonsense form of honesty among its personnel. Survey Corps members tell and expect to be told of the truth, no matter how good or bad it might be.
Prides of the individual soldiers are also very high, as they are aware of not only they are the best of the three military branches, but whatever progresses, victories mankind gains against Titans they are gained at the cost of the scouters' lives and bloods. And as they boldly go to the realm where most humanity dares not, their pride is rightfully justified.
Trust between leaders and subordinates are absolute. As Gunther told Eren that if Erwin does not tell his men everything, then there is a reason so Eren should trust Erwin. Even Levi with his prickly personality, tells his crew that Erwin always is a few steps ahead of others and follows his judgment unconditionally. Oluo chastised Eren during the 57th expedition for questioning Levi, and Eren raised Petra's animosity when he raises the possibility of Levi not trusting the Levi unit. Subordinates have absolute trust and admiration for Levi even as they are dying; and in return Levi would renew and confirm his determination to eradicate Titans to his men. This level of trust is necessary for a legion that has no one to rely on but each other.
While most soldiers do not survive their first expedition, each successive expedition exponentially increases their chances of survival. The Survey Corps's most hardened veterans each have numerous Titan kills to their name, and far beyond any members of the Garrison or Military Police are the most skilled soldiers in the entire military. With its frequent expeditions outside the safety of the Walls and regular combat engagements with the Titans, however, membership in the Survey Corps is extremely dangerous. Each and every officer and enlisted man, from highest to lowest in rank, lives with the fatalistic knowledge that their next encounter with the Titans may be their last.
Despite their small numbers, the discipline and fighting prowess of the Survey Corps are regarded as the best out of the three military branches. There is no class-based segregation between officers and enlisted men, with all ranks sharing equally in the work and dangers. The Survey Corps has a well-earned reputation for toughness and cool-headed courage in the face of extreme hardship; members will fight on even in the smallest, most isolated of groups. Survey Corps members are physically and mentally tough, highly adaptable, and can be counted on not to panic even when the Garrison and Military Police personnel around them have broken ranks.
Unfortunately, this branch is also in the most uncomfortable position, politically and financially. Despite being the best out of the three military branches in terms of the overall quality of its officers and enlisted men, the bureaucrats, rich conservatives and many Military Police members dislike the Survey Corps and view it as a waste of money and resources due to the Legion's lack of definite, decisive successes and high losses of lives. Only from the 'support' of the king does the Legion still remain intact and protected from the greedy bureaucrats and hostile conservatives. Membership thus involves little glory, and Survey Corps members are thus arguably humanity's finest and most sincere soldiers- not after money, glory or promotions, but truly committed to buying humanity a better tomorrow, whatever the cost may be.

Strategy and TacticsEdit

Basic outline of Long Distance Enemy Dectection.
Due to the constant horrific losses suffered at the hands of Titans, the Survey Corps has been forced to fight smarter to achieve their goals.

Long-Range Scouting FormationEdit

Developed by Commander Erwin Smith, the key to this formation is Titan avoidance. Because the Survey Corps cannot afford to fight every Titan out in the open, the entire Legion is spread out over a large area, maximizing visibility. Upon encountering a Titan, a red flare indicates the danger and all soldiers who see the flare fire a red flare of their own, allowing Erwin to quickly be alerted to the Titan's presence. He will then fire a green flare in the desired direction to avoid this Titan with all members firing a green flare as well to allow the information to spread quickly.
However, there are occasionally deviant-type Titans that understand the basic principle of this formation and will attempt to break it apart by ignoring scouts on the perimeter and instead, attack the middle of the formation. In this case, a black flare indicates the danger and the Titan is disposed of as quickly as possible.
The entire formation is in the rough shape of a circle with Commander Erwin in front and scouts surrounding the outside of the circle. In the center of the circle are the supply wagons which keep all the necessary food, weapons, and other supplies for the expedition. Connecting the outer and center of the circle are relay members who keep fresh horses and help spread communication between everyone in the group.
This formation has lowered the Survey Corps losses by 30%.


Although not a 'true' tactic in the sense of common battle doctrine, the Survey Corps has been involved in two attempts at capture and are worthy of note given their similar procedures.
Survey Corps Ambush follows this pattern:
  1. Target is lured into area where Survey Corps forces have the maximum advantage. i.e. Leading target into a forest (where 3DMG is most effective) or underground (where Titans cannot move).
  2. Target is incapacitated.
  3. 3DMG soldiers surround target area and prevent escape.
  4. If target breaks free ( e.g female titan breaks free twice ) soldiers try to prevent escape and to incapitate or regroup.

Sabtu, 08 Maret 2014

Titan Shifters

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Eren the Titan Shifter
Titan Shifters
Notable Abilities Titan Shifting, Regeneration
Titan Shifters are humans in possession of the "Titan's power" (巨人の力 Kyojin no Chikara?), which allows them to transform into Titans. They are able to direct the powers and abilities of a Titan with purpose, and unlike regular Titans, retain their human intelligence.


Titan Shifting
Eren's transformation
To transform, they must suffer an injury that draws blood (often self-inflicted), as shown when Eren Yeager bit his hand to protect Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlert, and when Annie Leonhart stabbed her finger with a blade from her ring, while having a solid goal or belief in mind at the moment of injury. However, being injured by another person is also sufficient, such as when Mikasa seriously wounded Reiner and Bertolt. After their transformation, their human bodies appear to be in the Titan's nape of the neck, where they control their Titan bodies. Their human bodies are also merged with the Titan's flesh inside, making it hard for them to move.
If a shifter's Titan form is pushed to its limit, its human form will emerge from the nape of its neck in an unconscious state. This is demonstrated separately by Eren, Ymir, and Annie when their Titan forms suffer defeat. But if a shifter's Titan form is not exhausted, then its human form can partially emerge from the Titan form in full consciousness. Annie, Ymir, and even Eren have shown this ability on three separate occasions.
The Titan Shifters also gain the Titan's ability to regenerate, capable of vastly improved healing abilities and even regenerating lost limbs even in their human forms. However, regeneration from severe injuries such as lost limbs can strain their powers and prevent them from transforming for a period of time. Both Eren and Ymir were unable to transform while recovering from their injuries, though Ymir is shown to have been able to transform within minutes of recovering.
It is also shown that they are not safe from regular Titans, and will be attacked even while transformed. Both Eren and Ymir were nearly devoured by hordes of Titans while transformed, and Reiner states that traveling while in Titan-occupied territory is dangerous to any of them. During the battle in Trost, it was shown that Titans seem to prefer to attack transformed Shifters. The human soldiers had great difficulty drawing away the Titans, as they were somehow drawn to Eren's Titan form.
A notable trait of the three major Antagonistic Shifters is their lack of skin, and special abilities unique only to their Titans. It is unknown how this relates to Eren and Ymir, who do not share their place of origin or purpose. In chapter 48, Ymir displays the ability to partially emerge from the nape of her Titan form, allowing her to interact with others while still transformed. It is unknown whether this is unique to her or a feat that any experienced Shifter can manage.
Revelations concerning Ymir's past in chapter 47 also suggest several important possibilities concerning the nature of Titans and Titan Shifters, as well as the existence of other Shifters. It is revealed that they do not age while in their Titan form, as Ymir notes she spent 60 years in her Titan form but has the appearance of a teenager. Although Ymir lacks complete and clear memory of this period, she recalls enough to describe it as an "endless nightmare." While trapped in her Titan form, she seems to have been a regular Titan that mindlessly devoured humans. Reiner and Bertolt do not treat this as an unusual case, and Bertolt notes that it was the same for them. Which leads to the conclusion that the first time of using their power they lack self decision and have only a decided goal, in Eren's case it was to kill Titans.
It also seems, from the experiments that Hanji conducted on Eren while in Titan form, that shifters are also vulnerable to absorbtion from their titan body, as prolonged usage of the form slowly decayed the mind and body of Eren up to the point where his human body lost its eyes and started to resemble his titan's. It may be possible that, since the titan brain is completely useless (as it can be blown off and the body will still operate), all the motor functions of the titan are completely carried by the human brain, greatly straining it, which in turn, may slowly oversaturate it leading to the loss of higher brain functions in favor of more mundane motor control, which also may lift any control the brain projected over the titan body to avoid absorbtion. Though Ymir is a notable exception, as even though she lost all cognitive functions, still avoided being absorbed, the case could also be for Reiner and Bertholdt and possibly even Annie. it may even be possible to reverse absorbtion.

Known Titan ShiftersEdit

Name Description Titan Form
Eren Jaeger
"Rogue Titan"
Eren Yeager is the first Titan Shifter to be revealed in the series, his Titan being a 15m class. Its most prominent characteristics are its elongated ears, fleshless jaws and highly muscular build. 
Unofficially named as the "Rogue Titan" due to its rampaging behavior, this form has so far been shown to have fairly substantial physical strength, knowledge of martial arts techniques, and incredible endurance. Prolonged and repeated use of this Titan form has allowed Eren to gradually increase control over its initially unstable mental state. Its eyes are a piercing grey in the manga, and teal-green in the anime; wherein they are often seen to be glowing bright green or blue. He also has a rage mode when he is seen fighting the Female Titan for the second time; this power grants him major strength, agility, and speed increase allowing him to do even more massive damage. In this rage mode there are distinctive characteristics, such as his eyes turning blue, his teeth becoming sharper and most notably being engulfed in fire.
"Dancing Titan"
Ymir's Titan is a small Titan of unknown height with long, black hair, very large irises and a chimpanzee-like body. This form grants Ymir rather long arms and sharp claws. It provides her with such a great agility that her form appears to be "dancing".
The smallest Titan Shifter yet known, this Titan form has a mouth full of pointed teeth, as well as sharp claws that can either be used to hang on walls or for combat. Its long arms and small muscular body enable it to maneuver itself around with great speed and agility in the same environments as those with 3D Maneuvering Gear, making it a formidable force in battle.
The "Dancing Titan" is quite similar to the Ape titan and though Ymir spent 60 years as a titan, a soldier from Levi's squad is mistaken for Ymir and spends most of her time communicating with the titan until she is discovered to not be Ymir.
Ymir titan form
Annie Leonhart
"Female Titan"
Annie Leonhart can transform into a 14 m class Titan with a distinctively feminine build and short, blonde hair. Her transformation endows her with immense strength and speed. 
A Titan Shifter of athletic appearance with lean muscle and no skin, the Female Titan is a Titan of unusual power and intellect. It has the stamina and focus to maintain a running pace capable of keeping up with horses over a long distance; as well as the intelligence to defend itself from multiple 3D Maneuvering Gear attacks by prediction of the device's movements. This Titan form also has the unique ability to harden its skin by generating a crystalline substance across chosen areas of its body; allowing it to simultaneously protect its nape and fight. Combined with refined martial art techniques, it can perform incredibly deadly and destructive attacks. When cornered, the Female Titan's call has the ability to draw other Titans to it and drive them into a feeding frenzy.
The Female Titan
Reiner Braun
"Armored Titan"
Reiner Braun is capable of transforming himself into a 15-meter class Titan with a slight resemblance to his human form. Unlike the other Titan Shifters, his Titan form has very thick, hardened plates of skin all over his body which serves as his armor.
This type of Titan is well-built and has a hunched profile. Its only visible weaknesses are the small areas on the backs of its joints where there is no armor. Though not particularly fast, this form is strong and agile, capable of destroying a fortified wall after a sufficient running start. While he is able to communicate through roars, it is unknown whether he shares Annie's ability to summon other Titans.
Armored Titan's appearance
Bertolt Hoover
"Colossal Titan"
The first Titan Shifter to appear chronologically within the series, Bertolt Hoover's Titan is of 60 m class. This grants him incredible strength like no other, capable of causing monumental destruction with little effort or damage sustained on his body. Due to this size its body temperature is extremely high, to the point that it is constantly emitting steam. However, because this Titan is so large, Bertolt can only move slowly while in its form.
It is the largest Titan seen so far in the series, four times the height of any other known Titan. This form has shown to be able to retain a degree of intelligence and tactical planning to go with its sheer size and strength, despite its slow movements. It is strong enough to break down the defensive walls surrounding humankind with a single and very hard-focused kick to allow other Titans to move inside the walls. It has the unique ability to "superheat" its body to produce incredibly hot steam as a defense. The heat of this steam is so intense that it is able to keep dozens of experienced soldiers at bay, lest they be cooked alive.
Colossal Titan

The HomelandEdit

Little is known about the place where the majority of known Titan Shifters originated. It is said to be located somewhere outside Wall Maria, and is alternately referred to as the "village" or "homeland" of Reiner Braun, Bertolt Hoover, Annie Leonhart, and Berwick. It is one of the greatest mysteries of the series, with little revealed about it. Flashbacks to Annie's childhood show the clothing styles and housing are similar to that of the people living within Wall Maria. The only certainty is that there are in fact humans surviving outside of the walls, whether they are Titan Shifters or not.
The people from this land refer to themselves as being "warriors", a distinction also made when Ymir refers to them. While it is unknown whether all those living there are Titan Shifters, all three surviving characters from that location possess this ability. Ymir states that they possess the "Power of Titans", and she obtained her powers by stealing from them. As a result, she is a fugitive and greatly fears being killed by them should they catch her. She believes that Historia Reiss may be valuable enough to them to earn a pardon, and would not be harmed if surrendered to them.
In 845, they launched an attack against humanity and sent at least three agents into the Walls in search of the Beast Titan and something they refer to as the "Coordinate". However, Ymir believes that they possess influence even within humanity's lands, claiming that no one is safe from them regardless of where they might hide. Their agents are similarly desperate to complete their mission, going to suicidal extremes in their quest to obtain Eren Yeager even though they have expressed doubts that he is indeed the Coordinate.

Reiner Braun

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Reiner Braun
Anime | Manga Reiner close-up
Name Reiner Braun
Biological Information
Gender Male
Birthday August 1st[1]
Height 185 cm
Weight 95 kg
Affiliation Unknown
Former Affiliation Survey Corps Logo Survey Corps
104th Trainees Squad
Grad Rank 2nd
Species Titan Shifter
Status Alive
First Appearance
Manga To You, 2000 Years From Now
Anime That Day
Anime Yoshimasa Hosoya
Image Gallery
Reiner Braun (ライナー・ブラウン Rainā Buraun?) is a graduate of the 104th Trainees Squad and a former member of the Survey Corps. He ranked 2nd in the class, and was regarded by others as a charismatic and reliable big brother figure.
Along with Bertolt and Annie, he is a person that possesses the ability to transform into a Titan and serves an as-yet unrevealed group. He comes from a mysterious homeland outside the Walls, and was on a mission to infiltrate the military in search of something that he refers to as the "Coordinate". After his true identity is revealed, he becomes a major antagonist and foil to Eren Yeager, illustrating the ambiguous nature of the enemy.


Reiner's personality
Reiner displays his personality when he states that sometimes, a soldier cannot back down
Reiner is a passionate person, with a strong sense of duty. He takes his role as a soldier very seriously, and encourages others to do the same. However, he is also noted to have a kind heart and a tendency to always think of others before himself, taking on extra burdens for the sake of his comrades. He is stated to be the "big brother" of the other trainees.
However, he is also revealed to have serious emotional and mental problems as a result of his actions. While still loyal to his cause, he was unable to cope with the guilt and has begun to suppress his true memories in an effort to escape. During these episodes, he forgets his true identity, believing himself to be a human soldier. There appear to be few differences between his "soldier" persona and his true self, though his true self is more ruthless and fatalistic out of necessity. He harbors a negative attitude towards himself, referring to himself as a "villain" and a "short-lived killer" that only Bertolt and Annie can understand. Even so, he continually places himself at risk in an effort to reach out to Eren and Ymir, trusting them more than is wise.


Human | Titan
Reiner's appearance
Reiner as a human

Human Form

In human form, Reiner has short blond hair and gold eyes. His large height and broad shoulders give him an intimidating presence.

Titan Form

The Armored Titan is 15 meters tall. It has hardened plates covering the entirety of its skin, except for muscles in its cheeks that become exposed when it opens its jaw, as well as the muscle tissue behind its knees and elbows, and its feet. Other than that, it does not possess any notable anatomical deformities.


Reiner comes from a mysterious location simply referred to as his hometown (or homeland), and began a mission to attack humanity in the year 845. Little is known about his life prior to undertaking his mission, other than the fact that Bertolt and Marcel were his childhood friends. The exact nature of their group, and their mission is yet unknown. It is mentioned that their goal was to exterminate humanity, and that they are searching for both the Ape Titan and a "coordinate" which they believe may be Eren Yeager or possible to locate with the assistance of Historia Reiss.
At some point prior to the attack on Wall Maria, he was attacked by a Titan later revealed to be Ymir. In the chaos, his friend Marcel pushed him to safety and died protecting him. This event appears to have left him deeply traumatized, as he flashes back to it in moments of stress and expresses an almost suicidal desire to place himself into harms' way for the sake of others.
During his time training to become a soldier, he was considered to be one of the most adept with the 3D Maneuver Gear. When Eren was having trouble during this training, he came to Reiner and Bertolt for advice. As a sort of repayment, Eren worked with him in hand-to-hand combat training. During this time, he became a surrogate big brother to the others and instilled in them a strong sense of responsibility.


Fall of Shiganshina arc

He first appears in 845 as the Armored Titan, participating in the attack on Shiganshina. During the chaos of the initial breach, he enters the city in his Titan form and makes his way across it to the interior gate. Once there, he charges towards the gate and smashes through it, allowing Titans to invade Wall Maria. At some point during the abandonment of Wall Maria, he passes himself off as a refugee and infiltrates human territory.

104th Trainees Squad arc

Two years later after the destruction of Wall Maria he enlists in the military and becomes a member of the 104th Trainees Squad. Noting Eren's desire to apply to the Survey Corps even after witnessing the attack in the Shiganshina District, he reveals that he wants to go back to his home town, knowing that there is likely nothing to return to. He eventually graduated in the top ten of his trainee class, coming in at second, just under Mikasa Ackerman.

Battle of Trost District arc

As part of the defensive effort of the military after the second attack of the Colossal Titan, he eventually found himself with the front guard. However, with the supply team stuck in the headquarters, he was essentially immobilized with many of his teammates on a rooftop. Joining Jean's group in the rush to the HQ, he was among the survivors. With the subsequent arrival of Armin and Mikasa, by way of rogue Titan, he helped to clear and secure the supply room.
Initially skeptical, Reiner suggested they help the rogue Titan when it was being overwhelmed by a group. Jean was hesitant and disagreed with his suggestion, stating they barely made it with their own lives and refused to risk it for a Titan. However, it turned out not to be necessary when it broke free at the sight of the Titan that killed Tomas. He was among the first people to know about Eren's Titan form, when he emerged from the giants body. Later this same day, after seeing what appeared to be Titan vapor from inside the city, he and a small group scaled the wall to see what was happening. Over the wall they found Eren protecting Mikasa and Armin from cannon fire, with a shield made from the torso of his Titan form.

The Female Titan arc

Reiner later joins the Survey Corps, together with the rest of the top 10 alumni with the exception of Annie. During the first expedition they take part in, he teams up with Jean to save Armin from the female-type Titan after his horse runs away.

Clash of the Titans arc

After the capture of Annie, Reiner was later seen in an abandoned mansion next to Sasha when Wall Rose supposedly got breached. He was soon dispatched to find all the survivors and tell them the news (without his 3D Maneuver Gear).
After that he and his squad went searching for the gap, though they found nothing. They met up with another team carrying the same orders and also didn't find anything. The 2 squads join together and go to the abandoned Castle Utgard to rest.
Later that night he finds Ymir searching for food, and she teases him by suggesting that he is attempting to sneak a grope. Continuing to tease him, she suggests that he might not be interested in women, and in response he suggests she's uninterested in men. She agrees with his assessment, relaxing and hearing out his request to continue distracting Connie so he doesn't worry about his missing family. However, he becomes suspicious of her when she's able to read the strange characters on a can. But before he can say more, the soldiers are summed to the tower by their superiors -- Titans have appeared and are attacking the castle even though it is night. [2]
During the nighttime attack, Reiner and the others are ordered to head deeper into the castle to defend against invading Titans. He rushes ahead of the others to investigate, and barely manages to keep a Titan from breaking into the stairwell with the assistance of Bertolt and the others, who use an old cannon to crush it. While the group is recovering, a second Titan manages to enter the room and attacks Connie. Reiner pushes him to safety and is injured in the process, suffering a broken arm before the others are able to save him. [3]
Eventually, their superiors are all killed and the unarmed recruits are left to fend for themselves. In order to save the others, Ymir reveals herself to be a Titan Shifter and goes to fight alone. Reiner and Bertolt are shocked to recognize her as the Titan responsible for killing their childhood friend, Marcel.
As Ymir fights the many Titans, Historia almost falls off the tower but is saved by Reiner and Connie, though he doesn't let go of her foot for a few more seconds and apologizes for that. They continue to watch the battle down below with uncertainty, unable to make sense of Ymir's choice to allow their superiors to die and wondering what side she might be on. Krista firmly states she is on their side, and shouts for Ymir to tear down the tower if necessary to save herself. She does exactly that, but climbs up to rescue her comrades and rides the falling tower down to safety. However, several Titans survive and continue their attack on the survivors. Ymir is partially devoured, and Krista nearly caught before Hange Zoë's squad arrives to finally rescue the survivors. [4]
In the aftermath of the battle, Reiner crumbles under the stress, worrying that he won't last much longer. Prompted by Eren's mention of their hometown, Bertolt attempts to cheer his friend up by reminding Reiner that now they are able to return home. The two briefly converse, before approaching Eren for a private talk. Reiner confesses their true identities as the Armored Titan and Colossal Titan, stating that if Eren leaves with them the Walls will be safe. Eren initially plays it off as a joke, causing Reiner to wonder about his sanity and break down. Though deeply troubled, he accepts that he has no other options and decides to fight. Mikasa intervenes before he can attack Eren, seriously wounding Reiner and Bertolt. When she moves in to finish off a critically-wounded Bertolt, Reiner throws her from the Wall before transforming. He manages to catch Eren, who is able to transform and engage the Armored Titan in battle. [5]
As Eren and Reiner continued to fight, he was able to hold off Mikasa when she attempted to slice off nape of his neck in his Titan form. Eventually, Armin was able to discover a weak link to his line of defense because as he's protecting the nape of his neck, he suggested that she attack at his knee caps. Reiner was taken by surprise for a 2nd attack by Mikasa, this time he was hit at the back of his knee. As the armor continued to break, he was able to scream and summon Bertolt to rescue him by leaping from the wall.
The resulting explosion wounded most of the Scouts present, and allowed him to capture Eren and escape the scene. Several hours later, he took refuge in the Forest of Giant Trees and took the opportunity to take Eren's 3DMG gear for himself. [6] He informs Eren and Ymir of their intentions to provide them entry into their homeland, but admits that he knows Eren won't come along with them willingly. Their location has become surrounded by Titans, and so he advises them to wait until nightfall before making any sort of move, to avoid being devoured. Ymir guesses this means he's also too exhausted to transform, something he refuses to answer.
However, during a conversation with Ymir about their dire situation, he begins to behave strangely and talks about requesting promotions. As the others look on with shock, he continues discussing the events at Castle Utgard and claims that Krista must like him since she's always so nice. When Eren loses his temper and threatens him, Reiner becomes confused and asks what he said wrong. Ymir notices Bertolt's expression, and confronts him about what they are witnessing. He finally speaks up, informing Reiner that he is "not a soldier" and that "we are warriors", prompting a sudden change in his behavior.
As Reiner collapses onto the branch and buries his face in his hand, Ymir theorizes that his strange behavior resulted from repressing his own memories to cope with extreme guilt. She guesses he became so attached to his role as a human soldier, that his heart "broke" and his memories were altered to suit his delusional state. When she mentions his "earnest" personality and guesses this was the reason behind tensions with Bertolt, he explodes at her to stop.
Eren accuses him of playing the victim, and insists that he is a murderer that gave up being human. The two briefly argue, with Reiner agreeing to this assessment but demanding what Eren wants from them. Ymir interrupts their argument, and attempts to gather more information concerning the ape-like Titan. Reiner makes several vague comments, and suggests that Ymir should ally with them since she also knows some of what is really going on. He insists that she is trustworthy, since they share the goal of protecting Krista and he can ensure her future in exchange for Ymir's cooperation. [7]
Bertolt expresses his concern over allying with Ymir, and they recall how she once ate their friend, Marcel. But Reiner argues that this further proves that Ymir can be trusted to cooperate with them, since her motivations are obvious. This causes Bertolt to question Reiner's state of mind, but he reassures him and reminds him that Krista is an important member of a Noble family. They discuss whether or not Eren is the "Coordinate" they were sent to find, and decide that Krista's ties to the Wall Cult may help their mission.
The two briefly discuss accomplishing their mission and returning home. Reiner suggests that Bertolt confess his feelings to Anne once they return home, and bitterly notes that their crimes mean no one else could understand them. Their conversation is cut short when they notice signal flares in the distance, and realize that soldiers have pursued them. He attempts to convince Eren to cooperate and go quietly with them, but is forced to choke him into unconsciousness after a brief struggle.
As they flee through the forest, Ymir notices the flares and demands to be allowed to see Krista. Reiner and Bertolt refuse her at first, but are forced to give into her demands after she threatens them. Once Ymir returns from successfully kidnapping Krista, he transforms into his Titan form and flees with the others clinging to his back. [8] The other graduates of the 104th manage to catch up to him, climbing onto his Titan form. He ignores them until Mikasa attacks Bertolt, cupping his hands around his neck in order to provide his partner a safe place to hide. While the others confront Bertolt over his actions, Reiner continues to focus on fleeing towards Wall Maria.
Commander Erwin Smith lures a massive horde of Titans directly into his path, forcing Reiner to make a suicidal charge. Their sheer numbers overwhelm him, restricting his movement and eventually forcing him to begin fighting back -- leaving Bertolt and Eren exposed. This allows the soldiers to make a second rush, and in the chaos Armin is able to get onto his head and confront Bertolt. He reveals that Annie has been captured, and claims she is being tortured in order to confuse and upset the pair. Reiner is horrified by this news, and is unable to prevent Erwin from ambushing Bertolt. With Eren freed, the soldiers begin to retreat. In an act of desperation, he begins to throw the Titans attacking him into the path of the fleeing humans. [9]
This causes chaos on the battlefield, as soldiers are knocked from their horses and the Titans begin to attack them. Jean Kirstein and Armin Arlert express horror at his actions, wondering whether he even cares anymore about the danger of Eren being killed. His assault is only stopped when Eren's power as the Coordinate manifests, causing the Titan horde to attack the Smiling Titan in his stead. This shocks and horrifies Reiner, who senses the power but seems resistant to Eren's control.
He realizes that this is the worst possible situation, thinking that Eren is the worst possible person to possess that power. Free from the Titan horde, he charges after Eren with unknown intentions. However, he is stopped in his tracks when Eren screams at him to stay away and threatens to kill him. The Titan horde react to this command by abandoning their previous kill, swarming the Armored Titan with renewed aggression. Reiner realizes they've lost, expressing the fear that he won't be able to keep Bertolt safe.
The soldiers take the chance to retreat, leaving Reiner to the Titan horde. He desperately attempts to fend them off, shielding Bertolt with one hand. Just as he'd feared, he's quickly overwhelmed and unable to protect his partner from the Titans. But before one can kill Bertolt, Ymir reappears and begins to fight alongside the pair.
The narration notes that the Armored Titan did not pursue the soldiers further, leaving his exact fate unknown in the aftermath of the battle. [10] Eren later expresses the desire to catch him and make him pay for his crimes, suggesting that he believes they survived. [11]
An epilogue reveals that he survived the battle, and returned with his allies to the ruins of the Shiganshina District. Though unharmed, he is physically exhausted and deeply shaken by the events of the past two days. He questions Ymir about her actions, and tries to persuade her to escape since her fate is uncertain if she goes with them. However, she refuses and instead expresses her gratitude towards the traitors for their role in freeing her from her Titan form. He is silent in response to this, expression grim as she states her understanding for their situation. [12]


Reiner 3DMG
Reiner utilizing 3D Maneuver Gear
As one of the top ten graduates of the 104th squad, Reiner is likely highly competent in the use of 3D Maneuver Gear and respective weapons. He is also one of the best hand-to-hand fighters amongst the recruits, having also trained other skilled fighters such as Eren.

Reiner Braun's Statistics[13]:

Battle Skill

Titan Shifting

The Armored Titan
Like all other Titan Shifters, Reiner is able to transform into a 15 meter Titan referred to as the Armored Titan (鎧の巨人 Yoroi no Kyojin?) in the series. Reiner uses this form to break down the inner gate of Wall Maria and actively uses it after he reveals his identity and objective to Eren. It is unknown how Reiner acquired his powers. The Armored Titan is capable of assuming human form at will, due to the intelligence it demonstrates in appearing to work with the Colossal Titan in breaching Wall Maria. As he retains his human intelligence, he uses his hand-to-hand combat skills against other human-turned-Titans such as Eren, which in conjunction with his armor-like skin, gives him a solid advantage in combat.
Armored Titan's Statistics[13]:


  • Regeneration: Reiner, like all other Titan Shifters and Titans, has the power to automatically regenerate any wounds sustained and even entire limbs. This also applies to his human form as seen when he sustained a broken arm in a scuffle against a Titan in Castle Utgard, his arm was almost fully healed when he rejoins the Survey Corp on top of Wall Rose. Furthermore, Reiner loses the bottom part of his forearm when it is sliced off by Mikasa, however, he is seen with a complete limb by the time he is in the Forest of Giant Trees.
  • Enhanced Strength: During the battle in the Shiganshina District, Reiner in his Titan form demonstrated enough physical power to smash through the inner gate of Wall Maria with a running start. While squaring off in an attempt to capture Eren in his Titan form, Reiner was shown to easily overpower his opponent with punches powerful enough to blow at least half of his head off. Reiner’s tackle had enough force to throw Eren’s titan form back into Wall Rose cracking it in the process. In addition, he uses his unique hardened skin to supplement his physical blows making them deadlier than those of normal-based Titans.
  • Enhanced Speed: During the battle in the Shiganshina District, Reiner in his Titan form demonstrated enough speed to quickly cross the gap to the inner gate of Wall Maria preventing cannons from accurately firing at him. While fully armored his speed is noted to be much slower, however, Reiner has shown that he can choose to shed certain areas of his armor, such as joints located at the back of his legs, boosting his overall speed. This tactic was used several times by him successfully during his fight against Eren’s Titan form. However, the Armored Titan form is more suited for physical combat, and performs less well in running large distances seeing as how the Survey Corp were able to reach him via horseback after leaving the Forest of Giant Trees.
  • Armor Hardening: While transforming into the Armored Titan, Reiner's body automatically produces a hardened, armor-like skin that covers most of his body, save for areas such as his joints at the back of his legs. The armor is hard enough to repel concentrated cannon fire, blows from other Titan Shifters such as Eren, as well as blade strikes from the Three Dimensional Maneuver Gear. The durability of this armor is enough to withstand a direct collision from the Colossal Titan who fell from the top of Wall Rose wounding most people in the area, incapacitating Eren's Titan form, and leaving a large crater in the ground. As stated previously, the Armored Titan can choose to harden or not to harden joints at will, sacrificing speed and combat ability for protection.


  • Bertolt Hoover - Bertolt is his childhood friend and partner, working closely with him in their mission. They are rarely seen apart, with Reiner taking the lead most of the time. Ymir notes that his psychological issues have caused friction between them, though it is revealed that Bertolt is vital in helping him maintain his grasp on reality. During their failed mission to kidnap Eren, he expresses a great desire to keep Bertolt safe, placing himself at a major disadvantage in order to protect him.
  • Historia Reiss - It has been hinted that he may have feelings for her, though it is unclear whether this is a simple crush or something stronger. It is also unclear whether these feelings are part of his delusions, or genuine.
  • Eren Yeager - Eren was one of his closest friends, and it was stated that Eren considered him both a "strong, capable guy" and something of a big brother. However, their friendship turns violently antagonistic once he reveals his true identity to Eren. Upon learning of Eren's power as the Coordinate, he reacts with great concern and notes that Eren is the worst person to possess it.
  • Connie Springer - Connie is one of his close friends, and someone that Reiner has repeatedly put himself into harm's way to protect. After his true nature is revealed, Connie refuses to believe that Reiner is truly their enemy.
  • Annie Leonhart - Reiner and Annie have a somewhat strained relationship, though they work closely towards accomplishing their mission. His efforts to prank her or strike up conversations tend to go over poorly.
  • Ymir - Their relationship is complex. They recognize quite a bit about each others' motivations, and share a desire to keep Historia safe from harm. He uses these feelings to manipulate Ymir into becoming their ally, but he also expresses more trust in her than Bertolt feels is wise. Unlike Bertolt, he does not appear to harbor any ill will towards her for nearly killing him as a child, nor for killing Marcel. Having failed his mission and even knowing that he cannot go home empty handed, he attempts to persuade Ymir to save herself by escaping.


  • Reiner-Chara Design
    Reiner's character design for the anime
    In a blog post on April 17th, the author revealed that Reiner's Titan image (the Armored Titan) were actually based on Brock Lesnar, an American professional wrestler and former Mixed Martial Artist.
  • In episode 2, a young Reiner and Bertolt are in the crowd when the mission to reclaim Wall Maria is announced. This is an anime-only cameo.
  • The Guidebook "Outside" states his birthday is August 1st, a day celebrated by fans as "Yaoi Day". The number 801 is shorthand for the genre, and may be a reference to the question of Reiner's sexual orientation.
  • His name is Old Norse in origin, and means "Counseling Warrior".